Future Tense

The future tense is a verb tense used for a future activity or a future state of being. For example:
·         will jump in the lake.
(This is a future activity.)
·         will be happy.
(This is a future state of being.)
The tense of a verb is determined by when the action took place. The three main tenses are:
·         The Past Tense
·         The Present Tense
·         The Future Tense
Examples of the Types of Future Tense
The future tense is categorized further depending on whether the action will be in progress or will be completed (called the aspect of a verb). The four future tenses are:
Examples of the Simple Future Tense
[base form of the verb]
·         will play after breakfast.
·         Susan will not go to Germany.
·         What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality. (Greek biographer Plutarch)
·         Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. (Author Og Mandino)
·         Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. (Physicist Albert Einstein)
·         Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. (Robert A Heinlein)
·         In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. (Activist Martin Luther King Jr)
·         Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. (Chinese philosophe Confucius)
(Have to is known as a modal auxiliary verb. Like must, it is used to express obligation.)
·         Happiness is your dentist telling you it won't hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill. (Producer Johnny Carson)
(Remember that won't is a contraction of will not and is often used to form the simple future tense.
·         won't be a rock star. I will be a legend. (Singer Freddie Mercury)


Write what will you do in Idul Fitri day? write in 1 paragraph at comment  



  1. Nama :Kesi Anggraini
    Kelas: 2 C PGSD
    Npm : 5019122

    "On the day of Eid, I Will do stay on touch with famili, friends while forgiving one another"

    1. Nama:Reni Darmita
      Kelas:2A Bahasa Indonesia

      "On the day of Eid, the first thing I did was Eid Al-Fitr in the mosque with other people and after that I forgave each other starting from family to friends and friends.

    2. Nama : Riska Lingga Sari
      Kelas : 2c PGSD
      Npm : 5019109

      On eid Al - fitr My Familly and l pray at Eid in congregation in the mosque. The forgive with friend parents and sister. After that visit the neighbo's hous and Familly relatives around the hous.

  2. Nama: Ranti Purwanti
    Kelas: 2C PGSD
    Npm: 5019096

    "Greetings to your house"

  3. Nama : faizal tri haryanto
    Npm : 5019106
    Kelas: 2C PGSD

    On Eid al fitr I will attend teh Eid al fitr prayer, and after the prayer is finished I will forgive forgiveness with friend, neighbors, family and especially both parents

  4. Nama:iga mawarni
    Kelas:2c pgsd

    " pada hari idul fitri saya sholat idul fitri, saling bermaafan bersama kelurga dan teman-teman dan pergi ketempat saudra dan kerabat terdekat,untuk bersilaturahmi 🙏🙏"

  5. Nama : Prandini Dianita Riski
    Npm : 5019155
    Kelas : 2C PGSD

    "On the day of Eid al-Fitr I would like to congratulate and forgive each other for forgiveness after Eid prayers and make friends at my brothers' homes"

  6. Nama : Rohman
    Kelas : b. Indonesia 2b
    Npm : 2019038

    " Eid Al-is the holy month for muslims where in one
    Month we fast. We celebrate Eid al-fitr with love with family.

  7. on Eid al-Fitr day I pray Eid al-Fitr, forgive one another with my family and friends and go to the place of my closest relatives and relatives, to stay in touch to treat my longing and forgiveness

    Kelas : 2.C PGSD
    Npm : 5019086

    In Eid al-fitr what i usually do is praying with my family in the mosque, sungkeman, pilgrimage, eating ketupat, chicken opor, friendship to relatives, nelghbors and taking picture together.

  9. Dewi susanti saputri 5019067
    Kelas 2B pgsd

    On Eid al-Fitr, I pray Eid al-Fitr, forgive one another with my family and friends and go to the place of my relatives and closest relatives, to stay in touch...
    Thank's sir

  10. nama : linda astika
    Npm. :5019120
    kelas. : 2C PGSD
    I did this Eid day, still celebrating the day of victory even if this plague had not passed. I will make friends properly like the holiday yesterday, but by using a mask and forgive each other forgive without touching each other's hands and not being separated also maintain distance. continue to be Muslims who maintain mutual respect for one another. remember to stay away from the virus, not the person.

    teranslate :
    hari raya idul fitri ini ,saya masih merayakan hari kemenangan bahkan jika wabah ini belum berlalu. Aku akan tetap menjalin silahturahmi seperti hari raya kemarin, tetapi dengan menggunakan masker dan saling memaafkan tanpa menyentuh tangan masing-masing , menjaga jarak. terus menjadi Muslim yang saling menjaga silahturahmi satu sama lain. ingat jauhi virusnya bukan orangnya, tetap menghargai hari kemenangan islam sebagai hambanya.

  11. Nama:Windi utari

    "what I do is that it will probably stay at home because the epidemic spread of this virus has not also declined so it would be better to stay in home"

  12. Nama :Inayah Azzahra Elvian
    Npm :5019117
    Kelas :2C PGSD

    "On the day of Eid I will return home to meet my mother's family that also if the condition of Indonesia has improved, if not I will stay at home and go to a friend's house"

  13. Name : Wulandari
    NPM : 5019216
    Class : 2c (PGSD)

    *On Eid al-Fitr, I pray Eid al-Fitr, forgive one another with my family and friends and go to the place of my relatives and closest relatives, to stay in touch*

  14. Nama : Erik Agus Sumadinata
    Npm :5019102
    Kelas :2c PGSD

    On Eid Al-fitr I perform the eid Al-fitr prayer after finishing the greetings-greetings with people inthe mosque and after that go home to apologize to the two parents and after that was born inner place relatives and neighbors who are near US to stay in touch and after that go play with friends

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Nama:Nurlina
    Npm :2019024
    Prodi:bahasa dan sastra indonesia
    *In the midst of the covid 19 virus that is spreading, i plan to keep following the eid prayer at the Mustaqim mosque. After that i will say minal aidzin walfa aidzin with my parents,relatives, and distant families even though only through social media.

  17. Nama : intan iindarti
    Npm : 5019118
    Prodi : pendidikan guru sekolah dasar
    Kelas : 2c

    On the day of Eid Al-Fitr I first prepare a meal for guests who bersilatuhrami then I go to the mosque for Eid prayer when finished praying I forgive each other, forgiving mainly to apologize to parents, families and then to friends and go to the neighbor's house to stay in touch

  18. Nama:Try kusuma
    Npm :5019219

    Pada hari idul fitri

  19. Nama:Try kusuma
    Npm :5019219

    Pada hari idul fitri

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Nama Ayu Sugiarti
    NPM 2019020
    Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia 2B

    On the day of eid I will visit my grandmother. I will apologize for any mistakes I might have made. But before that I apologize first to my parents. For the sake of avoiding the spread of covid 19 I will stay at home and I dont go travelling.

  22. Name :Amelia
    NPM : 2019016
    Class : 2B Bahasa Indonesia

    All Muslim around the world have to celebrate idul fitri days, the big day where we celebrate after taking a month of fasting and praying to Allah. That special day will lead Muslim to joy and happiness, we Forgive each other gathering with bounch of family, share or Story and tied up the relationship.

    But I did this Eid year day, still celebrating the day of victory even if this plague had not passed. I will make friends properly like the holiday yesterday, but by using a mask and forgive each other forgive without touching each other's hands and not being separated also maintain distance.

  23. Nama : Dwi Alia Permatasari
    Kelas b 2C pgsd
    Npm; 5019089

    "On Eid al-fitr my family and I pray at Eid in congregation in the mosque. Then forgive with parents and sisters, after that visit the neighbor's hous and family relatives around the house.

  24. Name : Jelma Urrahma
    NPM : 5019083
    Class : II C PGSD

    On Eid Aidil Fitri, I hope that the current situation can be resolved as expected by everyone, especially myself, and even though the situation is still the same, I will continue to worship at home with my family to follow the advice recommended by the government. Although we cannot face to face with relatives and Friends directly, but at least we can still meet through mass media.

  25. Nama: Tika silvia
    Npm : 5019114
    Kels: 2C/PGSD
    " on my Eid al-fitr Greetings to your house. Eat diamonds and chicken opor.
    Play fireworks.
    Photos with family.
    Grace pilgrime.
    Providing food to welcome guest who come.


  26. Hasil Telusur
    Hasil Terjemahan
    Saya masih bingung semoga semuanya cepat berlalu virus covid19 segera cepat menghilang karena saya tidak mau keadaan ini terus menerus seperti ini , mungkin pada hari raya idul fitri ini mungkin keluarga saya banyak yang tidak pulang kampung dengan tradisi malam hari raya kita semua berkumpul untuk memeprsiapkan hari esok mungkin yang akan mendatang tidak bisa di sini kita tidak bisa keluar rumah walaupun keluar rumah kini kita harus berjarak yang saya harapkan semoga semuanya cepat berlalu
    I am still confused that everything will pass quickly covid19 virus quickly disappear because I do not want this situation to continue like this, maybe on this Eid al-Fitr maybe many of my family do not return home with the tradition of the feast night we all gather to prepare for tomorrow maybe in the future it can't be here we can't go out of the house even though we have to leave the house now we have to be far away that I hope that everything passes quickly

  27. nama : bella amelia
    npm : 5019110
    kelas : 2c.

    Hasil Telusur
    Hasil Terjemahan
    Saya masih bingung semoga semuanya cepat berlalu virus covid19 segera cepat menghilang karena saya tidak mau keadaan ini terus menerus seperti ini , mungkin pada hari raya idul fitri ini mungkin keluarga saya banyak yang tidak pulang kampung dengan tradisi malam hari raya kita semua berkumpul untuk memeprsiapkan hari esok mungkin yang akan mendatang tidak bisa di sini kita tidak bisa keluar rumah walaupun keluar rumah kini kita harus berjarak yang saya harapkan semoga semuanya cepat berlalu
    I am still confused that everything will pass quickly covid19 virus quickly disappear because I do not want this situation to continue like this, maybe on this Eid al-Fitr maybe many of my family do not return home with the tradition of the feast night we all gather to prepare for tomorrow maybe in the future it can't be here we can't go out of the house even though we have to leave the house now we have to be far away that I hope that everything passes quickly

  28. Nama:Try kusuma
    Npm :5019219

    " pada hari raya idul fitri saya melaksanakan sholat idul fitri kemudian bersilatuhrami kepada keluarga terutama meminta maaf kepada kedua orangtua atas kesalahan yang telah dilakukan selama ini kemudian untuk menghindari covid 19 tetap dirumah saja.

  29. Nama : sri vera oktaviani
    npm : 5029112
    Kelas : 2c pgsd
    During Eid Al-Fitr, my activities are praying in the mosque, praying, of course there is a lot of food during Eid al-Fitr, usually my family eats ketupat, and Opor Ayam, and a group photo

  30. Nama:Try kusuma
    Npm :5019219

    " pada hari raya idul fitri saya melaksanakan sholat idul fitri kemudian bersilatuhrami kepada keluarga terutama meminta maaf kepada kedua orangtua atas kesalahan yang telah dilakukan selama ini kemudian untuk menghindari covid 19 tetap dirumah saja.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Nama : Wahyu Asriniati
    NPM : 2019032
    Class : 2B Bahasa Indonesia

    My family and I will prepare to welcome eid with cleaning the house, decorating, and will make special treatment for our guests later. My family and I will celebrate the evening of takbir Ramadan by eating together at home. After that the next day I'll be ready to go to the mosque. Eid is a chance to keep in touch and get together with the family. I'm going to spend a lot of time with them on special days, getting together and eating meals together is the best way for my family to enjoy eid every year. I am very happy to celebrate eid with my family, as I am able to get together and eat meals every morning during eid. To avoid covid 19, we stay home.

  33. Nama: Wiwin lestari
    Npm: 2019025
    Class: 2A bahasa Indonesia

    On Eid-ul-Fitr I usually conduct a torch parade with all the villagers in the evening, and in the morning Eid Al-Fitr Prayer with the family forgive each other to both parents and relatives and make friends visiting grandmothers and close relatives, gathering and eating together.

  34. Nama : Devi prativi
    Kelas: 2A
    Prodi: Bahasa dan sastra Indonesia
    Nim : 2019023

    When the day of eid arrives in the morning, my family together Goeslaw to the field to pray eid after completing my activities, i Will immediately engage in activities to both parents or forgive,after that my family Will eat rice cake and chicken, then after my family Will go to grandma's house, then my family and friends around the neighborhood.

  35. Nama: Sabrina Rizky Adinda
    Kelas: PGSD 2C

    During Idul Fitri, I don't think I will do much things. The implementation of Social Distancing and Physical Distancing made many people including my family choose to stay at home. Maybe just eat cake, watch TV, and chat with neighbors.

  36. Nama : Agustira Lean Cahya Utami
    Npm : 5019006
    Prodi : 2A PGSD

    On Eid Al-fitr My Familly And I pray At Eid In Congregation In The mosque. Then Forgive With Friends, Parents And Sisters. After That visit The Neighbor's Hous And Familly Relatives Around The House.

  37. Nama : Digita Putri
    Nim : 2019007
    prodi : pend. bahasa dan sastra indonesia
    kelas : 2A

    "On Eid al-Fitr, my family and I go to the mosque to pray. after the prayer we apologized to each other. after that we eat food that has been served, then we go to the homes of neighbors and relatives to be friendly".

  38. Nama: Dwi kurnia putri
    Kls : 2B Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
    Npm : 2019004

    On the day eid mubarak to all muslim arround the world, that special day will lead muslim to joy and happiness. I will do stay on touch with family, stay at home and I dont go travelling. And then hope we meet ramadhan again in the next year.

  39. Nama:Wiwin Wulandari
    Kelas:2A Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia
    Npm: 2019031

    During eid al-fitr l prayed with my big family, after that l prayed and apologized for the mistakes l Made especially my parents, and after that l ate and talked with my family and then took a photo together.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Nama :Huda Kurniawan
    Kelas:2A bahasa dan sastra Indonesia
    Npm :2019033

    during Eid al-Fitr, my family and I usually visit my neighbor's house, after that we gather at my grandfather's house with my extended family, we stay in touch with each other and forgive each other, after that we just eat together. after eating our family mutual Tells about funny things and we are very happy to enjoy the Eid

  42. Nama. :keni apriliano
    Kelas :2b
    Npm :2019028
    Prodi :bahasa dan sastra indonesia

    on the day of Eid Al-Fitr gather with family, eat together, and happy together, but hopefully the corona does not arrive at Eid so that large families can gather together without fear of corona

  43. Nama :Uswatun Hasanah
    Npm :2019040
    Prodi:Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

    At the time of Eid al-Fitr I would pray Eid al-Fitr in congregation in the mosque, although at that time there was still an epidemic of covid-19. After Eid Al-Fitr I will make a friendly visit to the homes of my family and neighbors. After the hospitality I will just stay at home because there might still be an epidemic of covid-19 disease so I can't go anywhere.

  44. Name : Anisa Nadila
    Npm : 5019011
    Kelas : 2A (PGSD)

    On the day of eid, insyaallah I will go to home my family and friend, and I will ask sorry to their😊😊

  45. Nama : Putri Oktavia Ningsih
    Npm : 5019077
    Prodi : Pgsd
    Kelas : 2B

    at the time of Eid al-Fitr I will carry out Eid al-Fitr prayers first then apologize to my parents for the mistakes I have done before and then I will go around to a neighbor's house and then go to the house of my grandmother and my other family of course, while maintaining a minimum distance of one meter because Eid al-Fitr this year there are many people affected by covid-19 virus.

  46. Nama :Tika dewi lestari
    Nmp :5019063

    On Eid Al-Fitr we all do Eid prayers together in the mosque and after that we apologize to each other to forgive others especially to our parents,family and friends all.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Nama :Vilia santika
    NPM :5019207

    before the feast of Eid al-Fitr I have prepared a lot from small things to big things for example making cakes, preparing drinks and arranging the living room and very taradisi once namely buying new clothes

  49. Name : Via Indriana Putri
    Npm : 5019020
    Class : II A
    Prodi : PGSD

    "On Eid Al-Fitr, I will apologize to all and especially to my parents. And then I will visit my family and neighbors. I hope Covid'19 will disappear soon and we can all move again."

  50. Name : Tina Aprillia
    Class : 2B PGSD
    NPM : 5019068

    "When Eid Al-Fitr (Idul Fitri day), I will wake up early morning and as usual my family and I will perform Eid prayers. We will always be grateful because we can still meet at Eid. After prayer, I will return home to apologize with my family. after finishing i will visit the house of close neighbors, friends and family. I will apologize to people for my mistakes."

  51. nama :Basiyatul amma
    Npm. :5019052
    kelas. : 2b PGSD
    I did this Eid day, still celebrating the day of victory even if this plague had not passed. I will make friends properly like the holiday yesterday, but by using a mask and forgive each other forgive without touching each other's hands and not being separated also maintain distance. continue to be Muslims who maintain mutual respect for one another. remember to stay away from the virus, not the person.

  52. Nama : Niken Firdayanti
    Npm : 5019076
    Kelas : 2B (PGSD)

    On the day of Eid al-Fitr I will apologize for any mistakes I might have made, but first I apologize first to my parents, brothers and sisters, friends and other relatives. then take pictures with family and friends to capture the moments that exist, and do not forget I tasted a variety of cakes and dishes that are there.

  53. Name : Wiji Nur Azzahrah
    Npm : 5019001
    Class : 2A (PGSD)

    On Eid al-Fitr this year I am very saddened by the increasing number of covid19 cases, we can't pray Eid together at the mosque, friendship to neighboring houses, etc. But I will continue to carry out Eid prayers with family at home,I will forgiving each other family, and one more important thing I will eat satisfied all the cakes at home after fasting for a month heheh 😂

  54. Nama : Tia Ivanka
    Kelas: 2B Pgsd
    Npm : 5019070
    On Eid al-fitr,my family and I will pray in congregation at the mosque, and can gather with distant families.can be friendly and forgive each other,enjoy a special holiday menu. I hope that this virus will pass quickly.And we can go home to meet m beloved family.

  55. On the day of Eid al-Fitr(idul fitri day), the first thing I did in the morning was to perform Eid prayers with my family, then after finishing Eid prayers we would go home and I would apologize to both my parents at home and then we used to eat Eid together together, before I went to a big family home, with my parents and apologized to each other, and stayed in touch.

    1. Nama:wely pitria andesti
      Npm :5019050
      Kelas :2B pgsd
      On the day of Eid al-Fitr (idul fitri day) , the first thing I did in the morning was to perform Eid prayers with my family, then after finishing Eid prayers we would go home and I would apologize to both my parents at home and then we used to eat Eid together together, before I went to a big family home, with my parents and apologized to each other, and stayed in touch

  56. Name : Refi Indri Hasanah
    Npm : 2019002
    Class : 2A pendidikan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia

    Usually, on Eid al-Fitr, my family and I pray together in the mosque of Darussalam Talang Gunung. my father was a descendant of Java, so after the prayer my family and I did a silent together with my grandmother. after that, we ate the food that mom had served. then I visited my uncle's house, neighbors and friends near the house to make friends to forgive one another. but it seems, this year's Eid is not like last year. because, Indonesia was involved in the co-19 pandemic and had to stay at home in order to break the chain of transmission.

  57. Name: wely pitria andesti
    Npm: 5019050
    Class:2B Pgsd

    On the day of Eid al-Fitr, my family and I will do Eid prayers together, then after Eid prayer we will go home and I will apologize to my parents, then we will eat Eid al-Fitr together, before visiting the big family home and stay in touch

  58. Nama : Tri sela maharani
    Npm : 2019015
    Kelas: 2A
    Prodi: Bahasa dan sastra indonesia

    On the day of Idul Fitri, my family and I went to the mosque to perform eid prayers.After the prayer, we apologize to fellow members of the family. after that we eat food that has been presented, to welcome the feast, and we go to the homes of neighbors and relatives to Strengthen the relationship

  59. Nama : Rina Agustini
    Npm : 5019007
    Kelas:2(A) PGSD

    At the time of Eid al-fitr,i will pray befor and after i will apologize to my parents and brothers. But this year i won eid only at home because in this educational are we all have to fight for healty. So my family and i can only be at home to meet relatives who ar there.

  60. Nama : Rina Agustini
    Npm : 5019007
    Kelas:2(A) PGSD

    At the time of Eid al-fitr,i will pray befor and after i will apologize to my parents and brothers. But this year i won eid only at home because in this educational are we all have to fight for healty. So my family and i can only be at home to meet relatives who ar there.

  61. Nama: Hariani
    Kelas: 2A
    Npm: 5019009
    Prodi: PGSD

    On Eid Al-fitr I perform Eid Al-fitr in the mosque, returning from the mosque we stay in touch with the family, especially apologizing to both parents, younger siblings and closest relatives for the mistakes that have been Made so far, then to avoid covid 19 stay at home. If you want to visit a family place far away, what is your grandmother's house? We use masks and forgive each other without touching each other's hands, keeping our distance. Continue to be muslims who forgive each other, remember to stay away from the virus not the person, still respecting the victory day of Islam as a servant.

  62. Nama : Dwi Oktia Putri
    Kelas : 2B (PGSD)
    Npm : 5019078

    On Eid al-Fitr, my family and I go to the mosque to pray. after praying we apologize to each other. after that we eat the food that has been served, then we go to the homes of neighbors and relatives to stay in touch

  63. Nama :Mar'atus Sholeha
    Kelas/Prodi :2B/PGSD
    Npm :5019055

    Like Eid al-Fitr before, on Eid al-Fitr tomorrow, our family and mornings will work together to clean the house, prepare food, and arrange cakes. After we finish, we will take a bath and go to the mosque to perform Id prayers. After finishing my prayer time, my parents and brother apologized to each other. This is the most touching moment. After that we will gather the family and apologize to each other at my Pakde and Bude's house, because they are the oldest people in my family. Because it's been 2 years my grandparents passed away. After finishing in our family, it's time to go around to neighbors to apologize to each other. But for this year I will limit traveling everywhere, because there is an epidemic of covid virus 19 .. But God willing, we all pray that this virus outbreak will be quickly revoked by Allah SWT .. Aamiin Yes robbal naturally.

  64. Nama :Mar'atus Sholeha
    Kelas/Prodi :2B/PGSD
    Npm :5019055

    Like Eid al-Fitr before, on Eid al-Fitr tomorrow, our family and mornings will work together to clean the house, prepare food, and arrange cakes. After we finish, we will take a bath and go to the mosque to perform Id prayers. After finishing my prayer time, my parents and brother apologized to each other. This is the most touching moment. After that we will gather the family and apologize to each other at my Pakde and Bude's house, because they are the oldest people in my family. Because it's been 2 years my grandparents passed away. After finishing in our family, it's time to go around to neighbors to apologize to each other. But for this year I will limit traveling everywhere, because there is an epidemic of covid virus 19 .. But God willing, we all pray that this virus outbreak will be quickly revoked by Allah SWT .. Aamiin Yes robbal naturally.

  65. Nama : Ellensya alvaringga
    Npm : 5019040
    Kelas : 2B PGSD

    During Eid I will pray Eid first and then apologize to my parents for the mistakes I made before and my brother also do it after we finished and then enjoy the food made by my mother. After that we went to grandma's house, not far from my house. we went on a motorcycle after arriving, we gathered with my mother and father's brother at Grandma's house.

  66. Name:Tiara Puspita

    On Eid al-Fitr,I will perform Eid al-Fitr, then forgive one another with my family, especially with my parents for the mistakes I have made so far and forgive one another with my relatives and closest friends,to keep in touch.

  67. Nama : Alfifi Pitaloka
    Npm :2019034
    Kelas :2A
    Prodi : Pendidikan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia

    On Eid Al-fitr last year i performed eid prayers on the mosque then Made friends with my family and parents . I am very happy to be able to meet with distant family colleagues even though only on Eid al-fitr .
    But this year it ia possible not to get together with family and also make friends with others because the situation does not improve by avoiding covid 19 so everything is done at home.

    Kelas:2A PGSD
    When Eid al-Fitr is performing the Eid Fitr prayer at the mosque near my house. I went with my mother. we pray very fervently. after prayer we returned home. when I got home, I got ready to go to visit my relatives. I dress quite beautiful. before leaving, do not forget I eat first. food at home very much rice cake, curry, rendang chicken and others. after eating, I put on my shoes and read the prayer to go out of the house.
    when we got home, we were served a variety of Eid cakes such as nastar, fried peanuts, peyek, chocolate, candy and others. we were also offered to eat rice cake again. that is what I will do on this year's holiday, which is certainly very lively and beautiful.

  69. Nama: nadia salsabillah
    Kelas:2A PGSD

    Pagi hari idul fitri saya bergegas sholat ied di masjid bersama keluarga. Setelah sholat saya pulang dan bersalam-salaman serta meminta maaf dilajutkan dengan makan-makanan sajian lebaran misalnya tekwan,makan lontong,bakso.siang hingga sore hari saya dan keluarga mengunjungi saudara-saudara lainnya.akan tetapi sepertinya tuhan ini akan berbeda karena covid 19

  70. Nama : Ay yulianti
    Npm : 5019027
    Kls : 2A pgsd

    For me. Idul fitri means gather with all my family and haying long holiday while talking trip to granmas hometown.
    We are celebrate idul fitri in my granmas every year. As same as this year,we planningw

    1. As same as this year. We planning to going granmas home three day before the day.

  71. Nama :Iis junayah
    Kelas :2A PGSD
    NPM :5019167

    During Eid al-Fitr I usually perform rituals as usual, wake up in the morning, take a shower, then have breakfast and get ready to go to the mosque to perform Eid prayers in congregation. only that we pray to the elders as a sign of respect and apologize for all the mistakes that have been made and then continue to the place of the other brothers until they are finished, go home and rest.

  72. Nama : Helda Ruspita
    Npm : 5019012
    Kelas : llA pgsd

    Eid Al-fitr this year, we are greteful to be able to celebrate even in the midst of an epidemic such as this. Even thought the plague still has not passed l will continue to keep in touch with my family,friends,and neighbors. By keeping a distance a mask and always washing hands.
    Stay safe all��

  73. Nama: Puput Oktaviyani
    Kelas: 2A bahasa indonesia
    NPM: 2019009

    On Eid al-Fitr, my family and I set out together to adjust the Eid prayer services. Then, we gather to apologize to each other. after that we went for hospitality to the family. Soreny, I would like to welcome friends and teachers. However, I do not know this Eid Al Fitr can still be like that or not because the Covid pandemic 19. Keep following the government's recommendation to stay at home.

  74. Nama : Fajar isnaini
    Kelas : 2A PGSD
    Npm 5019022

    I will celebrate eid al-fitr this year at home alone, in accordance with the government's advice to prevent the corona virus from spreading. I would celebrate with my family at home only with some entertainment on TV and social media. And exchange silaturahmi through social media and forgive one another Muslim brothers.

  75. Nama : Vena Renata
    Kelas: 2A PGSD
    Npm : 5019024

    In Eid Al-Fitr this year the Eid Al-Fitr prayer was eliminated because of the corona virus pandemic and many who use masks when leaving the house, but even so this year there was a corona outbreak to maintain mutual friendship with each other.

  76. Nama : siti zubaedah
    Kelas : 2B PGSD
    NPM : 5019041

    On the day of Eid I will apologize to my parents and prepare food for guests who will come after that I forgive one another with my family and friends, and go to the place of my relatives and closest relatives, to stay in touch.

  77. Nama : Sintiyah Permata Sari
    Npm : 2019006
    Kelas : 2.A
    Prodi : Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

    On the first day celebrating Eid al-Fitr last year, I was very happy and happy to welcome a day full of victory. usually after dawn prayers I help my mother prepare Eid cakes on the table and after preparing them I rush to take a shower to go to Eid prayer with my family at the mosque close to my house. Returning from the mosque, my brother and I told my parents to apologize. after that, we ate rhombus with rendang together, then came to the neighbor's house to make friends on Eid al-Fitr.

  78. Nama : Shela Anggraeni
    Kelas : 2A PGSD
    Npm : 5019025

    On Eid Al-Fitr later, I will not do many things. I am not sure whether the government allows for Eid prayer in congregation at the mosque, because the widespread corona virus outbreak. I will not travel far, maybe just visiting a neighbor's house and family around the house to apologize and forgive one onother. On Eid Al-Fitr I just at home. Eat cake, watch television and chat with family.

  79. nama :juniarti pasessha putri
    npm :5019036
    kelas :2.a PGSD

    My Eid al-Fitr celebrations this year will probably be very different from previous years because of my plans for Eid later I will do Eid prayers at home and spend time with family to celebrate at home because of the corona or covid-19 virus pandemic. and I also have to prepare disinfectants or handstabilizers for people who might come home. The next day I might plan to just visit the home of a grandmother, aunt, or uncle, and that too I have to wear a mask and bring a handstabilizer to keep my body clean.

  80. Nama: Elvina Junianti
    NPM: 5019035
    Kelas: II.A PGSD

    Actually I don't have a plan yet because there is a danger that the COVID-19 virus is spreading. However, like Eid Al-Fitr before, Eid later, my mother and I clean the house, prepare food, and prepare cakes on the table. After finishing, we will take a shower and go to the mosque to do Eid prayer. After finishing, our family immediately went to Grandma's house to apologize, which has become a family tradition every year gathering at Grandma's house to apologize, this is the most awaited moment. And this year my family and I will not go out of town because there are no distant relatives plus there is a ban from the government to stay at home, because there is a COVID-19 epidemic virus. But God wants, we all pray that this epidemic virus will quickly pass by the power of Allah SWT.

  81. Name: Mila Sartika
    Class: 2A PGSD
    Npm: 5019028

    On Eid Al-Fitr I still do Eid Al-Fitr if held. for fellowship with a close relative, but still must be vigilant and still maintain health by using a mask and washing hands before touching food. And stay in touch with neighbors, but stay alert and keep a little distance and not gather with people who are too crowded.

  82. Nama : Dinda Dwi Hafsari
    Kelas : 2B (PGSD)
    Npm : 5019188

    • During Eid al-Fitr, in the morning as usual my family and I performed Eid al-Fitr prayers at a mosque close to my home, and after that we returned home and apologized to my family, I thought it was Indonesian culture when Eid Al-Fitr came, and after that my family and I ate together and talked with each other.

  83. Nama : Putri Nabila Ayulia
    Nmp : 5019037
    Kelas : 2A.PGSD

    On the day of Eid Al-fitr, my family and I will go to the mosque to pray, and do not forget to pray that the covid19 outbreak will quickly disappear on this earth. Then returning from the mosque I will forgive each other with family. After that, my family and I will go to relatives, friends, and closest relatives to meet, while eating delicious and delicious cakes.

  84. Nama: Sinta Liana
    Npm: 5019147
    Kelas:2B (PGSD)

    If Eid al-Fitr solay is still held, I will definitely follow it even though I keep my distance and so on.and pray together for the situation at the time of Iji to get better as usual.And I want to make friendship with relatives and neighbors

  85. Nama : Andre Arisandra
    NPM : 5019039
    Kelas : 2 B PGSD

    Eid al-Fitr is different from last year's. This year's Eid Al-Fitr I will pray Eid al-Fitr with my family because I see the conditions and the situation and there is a prohibition from the government not to pray Eid with many people. After Eid Al-Fitr prayer I will apologize to my family such as father, mother, brother, sister, and others after that we will eat together.

  86. Nama: Siti Masitoh Marpaung
    NPM : 5019212
    Kelas: 2A PGSD

    Eid al-Fitr which is celebrated every year, and my family and I will forgive each other, forgive, then perform Eid Al-Fitr prayers like in previous years. After prayer we will stay in touch with neighboring houses and family homes of fathers and will eat together. do not forget to also share THR as a gift during fasting in the month of Ramadan. my family and I will go to the river to swim and eat together there as entertainment. I will visit the teacher's house, with friends. when Eid I will do a lot of activities to fill my day off, with a vacation to the tourist place in my area.

  87. Nama : putri fatriciadewi
    Kelas : II B PGSD
    NPM : 5019046

    on Eid al-Fitr I will keep praying with my family. keep in touch with family, others and so on. but remain vigilant if there is still the covid-19 virus by still wearing a mask, keeping a distance, forgiving each other without touching each other.

    1. Nama : putri fatriciadewi
      Kelas : II B PGSD
      NPM : 5019046

      on Eid al-Fitr I will keep praying with my family. keep in touch with family, others and so on. but remain vigilant if there is still the covid-19 by still wearing a mask, keeping a distance, forgiving each other without touching each other.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Nama : Zulayha
      Kelas : 2A Bahasa Indonesia
      Npm : 2019005

      Eid al-fitr is a victory day for muslim.
      As usually, I woke up early to get my self ready for eid prayer with my family. After that eid prayer and sermon had done. At home, my family always does a javanese tradition that's called sungkeman to honor the elders. The younger members of my family kneeled down and pressed their face to the elder's knee one by one. After then I and my family eating together with a moinstay family menu chicken and diamond. I hope this eid and eid will be able to celebrate with my family.


  89. name: priti shinta
    npm: 5019065
    class: 2B

    It could be that Eid Al-Fitr this year is not as happy as Eid Eid last year. that's when implementing Eid. we can celebrate together but for Eid Mubarak this year. It appears that Eid al-Fitr will look sad because we can no longer be with other families. except the family itself because there are bad effects from the Carona virus. but still can do Eid prayer with my family alone. but I hope that Eid Al-Fitr this year will return again like last year, we can gather distant families and apologize physically and mentally on special days. not much can be done at this year's Eid. enough to gather your own family is enough. and hopefully my family will be given health this year to be able to celebrate Eid this year.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Nama: Revita Rahayu
    Kelas:2A PGSD

    Eid Al-fitr this year Will be abolished because seeing the correct condition of the Corona virus infection ia not over,what's wrong with staying at home so that Corona virus transmission does not occur,maybe in the country side we Will do eid Al-fitr from house to house and even then maybe right and left front and read.


  92. Name:Riza Merlinda

    On the day of Eid al-Fitr, especially in the midst of the covid-19 virus pandemic. I will still say Eid Al-Fitr and congratulate my family and friends through short messages. Send greetings on Eid holiday on WhatsApp or through other social media, such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

  93. Nama :Melia Sinta
    Npm. :5019217
    Kelas:2 B/PGSD

    On the day of idul al-fitr,I will do to celebrate Eid al-Fitr is that I will purify myself physically and mentally, make friends with loved ones, through electronic media, because it is not possible to visit people's homes, due to the corona virus outbreak.

  94. Nama: Avivah Oktaviana
    NPM: 5019165
    Kelas: 2B PGSD

    On the first day of Eid Al-fitr, I will to pray Eid together. After that I will apologize to my parents. We will visit the house of my grandmother and grandfather. I will say Eid Al-fitr to my family and my friends through short massages. Because of many Corona virus outbreaks. So we always stay at home.

  95. Name : Ramadhan FitriYani
    NPM : 4119011
    Class : II A/Physics

    Write what will you do in Idul Fitri day? 
    What I want to do when Eid al-Fitr is, of course, to stay in touch with my beloved family in my father's hometown in Bengkulu, and visit my mother's grave in the village of Semangus, South Sumatra. That I will do if covid 19 is gone. Enjoy a special meal when Eid al-Fitr, namely diamond and chicken eggs. Tekwan and Pempek became one of my favorite foods when visiting my uncle's house. Do not forget to wait at the end of the THR hospitality visit. I hope that I can experience this at Eid later.

  96. Nama : Zulayha
    Kelas : 2A Bahasa Indonesia
    Npm : 2019005

    Eid al-fitr is a victory day for muslim.
    As usually, I woke up early to get my self ready for eid prayer with my family. After that eid prayer and sermon had done. At home, my family always does a javanese tradition that's called sungkeman to honor the elders. The younger members of my family kneeled down and pessed their face to the elder's knee one by one. After then I and my family eating together with a mainstay family menu chicken and diamond. I hope this eid and eid will be able to celebrate with my family.

  97. Nama : Zulayha
    Kelas : 2A Bahasa Indonesia
    Npm : 2019005

    Eid al-fitr is a victory day for muslim.
    As usually, I woke up early to get my self ready for eid prayer with my family. After that eid prayer and sermon had done. At home, my family always does a javanese tradition that's called sungkeman to honor the elders. The younger members of my family kneeled down and pessed their face to the elder's knee one by one. After then I and my family eating together with a mainstay family menu chicken and diamond. I hope this eid and eid will be able to celebrate with my family.

  98. Nama : Selvitri yuliansi
    Npm : 5019191
    Kelas: 2A.PGSD

    During Eid Al-Fitr this year my family and I continue to carry out Eid al-Fitr prayers and then visit the family especially to apologize to both parents, friends and relatives for the mistakes made so far then to avoid covid 19 stay at home. and for this year's Eid we can feel a lot of trials, hopefully this plague quickly disappear 😇

  99. Name. : Umi Solehah
    NPM. : 4119015
    Class : 2A/physics

    On Eid al-Fitr I will go to the mosque to perform Eid al-Fitr prayers with my family. After returning home, I will make friendship with close family to forgive each other and eat together. not to forget I also went to visit my neighbors, friends and distant relatives.
    and I hope this year's Eid pandemic covid-19 is over.

  100. Nama: Kanasya Putri Anjani (5019002)
    Kelas: 2A
    Prodi: PGSD

    The first day of eid al-fitr is usually the first eid prayer.then apologize to parents and familly at home,eat together with extended familly at home.because this is again covid 19 then we just at home,if you want to go out must wear a mask and must keep a distance.

  101. Nama : Yunita Arianti
    Npm. : 4119014
    Prodi : Fisika

    on Eid al-Fitr I pray Eid, eat rhombus and chicken eggs, forgive each other with family, especially to parents for mistakes made so far, take pictures together with family, pilgrimage to the tomb, and then to avoid covid 19 stay at home alone no traveling.

  102. Name : Niken Ayu Ariani
    Npm : 4119010
    Classroom :2A/physics

    what I do when Eid is Eid Al-Fitr prayer, after that I and my family forgive each other. then I visited my niece's house to stay in touch or even ask for my annual ration or rather thr because it was the moment I was waiting for the most. and I hope this year I can still do the activity

  103. Nama : sindy Suprobowati
    NPM : 5019003
    Kelas : 2A (PGSD)

    Answer :
    "On the day of Eid al-Fitr, the important thing is to pray together in the mosque, but because of the Covid-16 virus, our family will choose to pray at home. After that we will forgive each other or also make friends with the closest person, because it's not good to go far away from home while the pandemic virus is rife."

  104. Nama:Novian Hadi
    Npm :5019164
    Kelas:2B PGSD

    On the day of Eid al-Fitr, what I will do to celebrate Eid is that I will apologize to my parents and relatives, celebrate with gratitude and not go out of town, because it is impossible to visit outside the city, because of the corona virus outbreak, and hoping that this pandemic will pass quickly.

  105. Nama : Astria andani
    Kelas : 2B PGSD
    Npm : 5019054

    on Eid al-Fitr day I pray Eid al-Fitr, forgive one another with my family and friends and go to the place of my closest relatives and relatives, to stay in touch to treat my longing and forgiveness.

  106. Name : Anggun Ari Aditia Utami
    Npm : 4119005
    Class : II A/Fisika

    In Eid al-Fitr, I will pray Eid with my family, I will forgive both my parents and my family, then I will eat Eid foods, such as lontong vegetables and Eid cakes. I will also visit my immediate family to chat with each other, joking with each other laughing with each other. I will be very happy to celebrate Eid al-Fitr this year because this is the time I wait every year.

  107. Name : Reno ali afan
    NPM : 4119001
    Class : physics

    Eid al-fitr is a day of victory for muslims after fasting for the month-long Ramadhan fast. At that moment the whole family gathered and rejoiced. And what i do on Eid al-fitr is a halal bihalal event and also sungkem to our parents, and also friendship to older people, people arround and also neighbors. The next thing to do is eat ketupat. Ketupat is usually served with side dishes or coconut milk. Eid diamond will be a very special dish, because almost all families will eat it happily, where all or some family members can gather and enjoy it together. And the next is for to angpao, at this moment usually the relatives or parents share it with their siblings and also the children who stay in touch.

  108. Nama: Inka Putri Anjelina(4119006)
    Prodi : Pendidikan fisika

    On Eid al-Fitr, I pray Eid with my extended family in the mosque where I live, after that I go around with my family to make friends with other families. After I walk with my friends to a place to eat, travel and others. I am very happy when that moment

    1. Nama : Nisa Aulia Mahardika
      Pendidikan : Fisika

      Activities I Do When Eid al-Fitr is Sungkeman, Gathering to your house, eating diamonds and chicken eggs, playing fireworks, reunions, taking photos with family and friends, providing food to welcome guests who will come.

  109. Nama : Astria andani
    Kelas : 2B PGSD
    Npm : 5019054

    on Eid al-Fitr day I pray Eid al-Fitr, forgive one another with my family and friends and go to the place of my closest relatives and relatives, to stay in touch to treat my longing and forgiveness.

  110. Name : Nisa Aulia Mahardika
    Npm : 4119008
    Class: physics

    Activities I Do When Eid fitri is Sungkeman, Gathering to your house, eating diamonds and chicken eggs, playing fireworks, reunions, taking photos with family and friends, providing food to welcome guests who will come.

  111. Nama : Elvi Qorik Ismiyatun
    NPM : 4119012
    Prodi : Pendidikan Fisika

    on the day of Eid al-Fitr, I began with Eid prayer in congregation in the mosque, after that listening to the lecture. After the Prayer, I shook hands with my parents and my family. My brother and I went around the village to meet with neighbors and friends.

  112. Nama: vika andre taariyanti
    Prodi: pendidikan fisika
    Kelas: 2A

    One day of eid al-fitr I wold like to forgiveness after eid prayers and make friend at my brother home

  113. Nama : Muhammad Riski 4119009
    Kelas : 2A Fisika

    Hello my friends, my name is muhammad riski from the physics educational study program. At the upcoming eid celebrations I want to meet all the relatives in town and out. Hopefully this present plague will soon be over, so that I can reunite silahturahmi with my brothers and friends.

  114. Name : Mila Agustina
    NPM :4119003
    PRODI : Physics Education

    I really hope that Corona can be lost before Eid al-Fitr because I want to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr as in previous years with family and friends without worry.

    1. Nama: Eci sarmila
      Prodi:pendidikan fisika

      I did this Eid day, still celebrating the day of victory even if this plague had not passed. I will make friends properly like the holiday yesterday, but by using a mask and forgive each other forgive without touching each other's hands and not being separated also maintain distance. continue to be Muslims who maintain mutual respect for one another. remember to stay away from the virus, not the person. And on the day of eid.insaallah l Will go to home my family and the friend.and l Will ask sorry to their.

  115. Name :Elsa Revvina
    Npm :4119017
    Prodi:physics education
    During Eid Al-Fitr I gather with my family to stay in touch with tetanga, friends of other relatives, but when facing the covid pandemic 19 at this time maybe a little distance and not wandering off to go out on a road first because gathering with family alone is quite happy

  116. Nama:Hesty widiyastuti

    One day at Eid al-fitri,l prayed Eid al-fitri,after the prayer l apologized to boht my parents,my family and friends.And after l apologized to each other and forgave use etting the diamod,etting eat cakes togerther.

  117. Nama: Sandi Dwi Saputra
    NIM: 5019174
    Kelaa: 2B PGSD

    On this year's Idul Fitri, my family and I will visit Grandma's house for a friendly visit. we will leave on the first Eid and will stay there for a few days, because I miss my grandmother so much. I will bring grandma a gift. In there we will party and eat together because we do not want to lose this beautiful moment. I will also play puzzle with my grandmother, because it was from my grandmother who taught me to play puzzles. my grandmother loved her grandchildren and always gave us gifts. and I will love my grandmother the same as she loves her grandchildren.
    And on this year's Eid I will sleep with my grandmother, because I haven't slept with her for a long time. and on my last day there I will cook Grandma's favorite food. I love my grandmother so much.

  118. Nama : erlin erlina
    Kelas : 2A PGSD
    Npm : 5019199
    At Eid Al-Fitr this year, what I will do is maintain the cleanliness and health of the body to avoid the virus now, and to celebrate Eid this year may be a little different. Because they have to keep their distance from people around, like friends, extended family, and loved ones, even this year they can't go home because of the Covid-19 virus, and to keep in touch with family and friends only through social media or electronics because it's impossible to visit people's houses one by one, because of the Covid-19 virus outbreak.

  119. Name : Agustina
    Npm : 5019033
    Class/Prodi : 2A/PGSD

    Eid al-Fitr is the day of victory, where all Muslims celebrate the victory after a month of fasting. Seeing as the current situation we are facing covid-19 plague, where we must keep our distance to avoid and break this covid-19 chain. Because in my village I was still allowed to pray in congregation at the mosque, and my village was also not included in the red zone and hopefully it would never enter the red zone. So, what I will do when Eid al-Fitr later is Eid Al-Fitr prayers to the mosque with my family, and do not forget that if I want to leave the house I will wear a mask. After returning from the mosque my family and I will forgive each other. Usually after that we will go to our family's house and our relatives for a halal bihalal event. And we will also visit our neighbor's house for halal bihalal as well and pray together, after that tasting the food that has been served by the host. After finishing, we will return to our respective homes. And do not forget I will also forgive each other with my family far away and my friends via mobile phones.

  120. Nama : pischa putri meiranda
    Kelas : 2B
    Prodi : pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia
    Npm : 2019008

    idhul Fitri was very happy, I was able to meet a large family but this year could not because my corona virus was very sad so I just stayed at home. I hope this virus can disappear as soon as possible amin ya Allah 🤲

  121. Name : Ingge amanda
    NPM: 5019162
    Class/ Prodi :2A / PGSD

    On eid day my family and I will be at home only in welcoming eid al-fitr. While corona's illness and the government's advocated homesophageal silence. It would be better to have a cell phone instead of a family. It's better to prevent than cure. Therefore eid this year my family and I welcomed him home only. I think it is better to follow government's advice to stay home so that corona's illness may be fleeting and that we can welcome eid with the same years.

  122. Nama: Yesi Marlisa
    Npm : 5019066
    Kelas:2B (PGSD)

    On Eid al-Fitr the first thing I do is to pray in congregation at the mosque and after that go home to eat with my family and to go to relatives and friends and lastly to walk with family and friends.

  123. Nama : Cahya Madrani
    Kelas : IIA PGSD
    NPM : 5019008

    At the time of Eid Al-Fitr later I will obey government regulations to not be crowded. So that my family only prayed at home with my family. And only visiting relatives and neighbors around without making physical contact. This is what our family will do later.

  124. Nama : Wulan Sari
    Npm :5019021
    Kls :2.A.PGSD

    When lebaran comes I have an aktiVity that makes Me Verry homesick,whic is gathering With family .playing to Neigbors .playing to your house and cartainly To grandma 's House where are
    Gradma's house Always gets pocket money
    And cartainly Miss Will be Relieved.in addition to a place About family and family gatherings I also miss gatherings with friends/ friends who can onlly get together at eid.

  125. Nama : Nadya Yulianti Putri
    Kelas : 2B PGSD
    Npm : 5019058

    at the time of Eid I always apologize to all my family, especially to my parents, after that we went to the neighbor's house to make friendship as usual when the Eid arrived. after that we and my family get together to talk discussing eating together between families. that's our custom every Eid.

  126. Nama:Oka meylia
    Kelas:2B PGSD
    Npm: 5019059

    During Eid al-Fitr, I will gather with my family and visit other places and forgive my fellow humans

  127. Nama : umi marcely
    Npm : 5019031
    Kls :2A PGSD

    On the day of eid.I will offer eid prayer if possible then my next activity is to forgive each other with family,expecially parents.

  128. Nama:Desi Ratnasari
    Npm :5019018
    Kelas:2A PGSD

    Happy Eid mubarak. Let us forget our mistake in the past whit all the forgiveness and may god gives us abundantly of happiness and prosperity ahead.

  129. Nama :Endah meiyeni
    Kelas:2b PGSD
    Npm :5019042

    Eid Al-Fitr This year I will hold Eid Al-Fitr prayers with my family or in the mosque together with others, then gather together with family to forgive one another. it's good for Eid Al-Fitr this year we stay at home just to maintain the health of the covid-19.

  130. nama :fajar mujahidin
    npm :5019204
    kelas :2a pgsd

    on Eid al-Fitr I pray Eid, forgive each other with my family and friends. and stay home with family.

  131. Nama:Risna anggraini
    Nim :5019133
    Kelas:2A (pgsd)

    On Eid al-fitr, my family and i gather to celebrate Eid al-fitr. First we pray first, then we gather and i apologize to my Parents. After we gathered,i went to my relatives house to visit the relatives house and friends. Althoungh this years Eid is not the same as last year because of Covid 19 i dont want to miss a special moment that is only found once a year. The most important thing is that we must maintain health and cleanliness.

  132. Nama ; ardan resti argani(2019026)
    Kels : 2B

    On Eid Aidil Fitri, I hope that the current situation can be resolved as expected by everyone, especially myself, and even though the situation is still the same, I will continue to worship at home with my family to follow the advice recommended by the government. Although we cannot face to face with relatives and Friends directly, but at least we can still meet through mass media.

  133. nama : Leoni Ambar Valenta
    npm :5019176
    kelas :2B PGSD

    My Eid al-Fitr celebrations this year will probably be very different from previous years because of my plans for Eid later I will do Eid prayers at home and spend time with family to celebrate at home because of the corona or covid-19 virus pandemic. and I also have to prepare disinfectants or handstabilizers for people who might come home. The next day I might plan to just visit the home of a grandmother, aunt, or uncle, and that too I have to wear a mask and bring a handstabilizer to keep my body clean.

  134. Nama: Nadia Tias Nita
    Npm : 5019075
    Kelas : 2B PGSD

    On this eid Al-fitr daya, my family and I Will perform the eid-ul fitr prayer first with my family, after which my family and I stay I touch with the closest relatives to forgive one another.

  135. Name : putri septia
    Class: 2C pgsd
    Npm. : 5019084
    during Eid al-Fitr. my family and I will prepare for Eid prayer at the mosque and after returning from prayer back home and me
    with my brother to shake hands with my parents to apologize physically and mentally then my family and I went around the house to be friendly and apologize.

  136. time of Eid I always apologize to all my family, especially to my parents, after that we went to the neighbor's house to make friendship as usual when the Eid arrived. after that we and my family get together to talk discussing eating together between families. that's our custom every Eid. And go to grandma house



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