Pengantar Penelitian Pendidikan

 five essay questions related to Educational Research:

1. What is the role of educational research in improving the quality of teaching in schools? Give examples of the application of educational research findings in everyday classroom practice.

2. What are the challenges that educational researchers face in collecting data from students, teachers, or educational institutions, and how do they overcome these challenges?

3. Explain the relationship between educational theory and research methodology used in educational research. How can the application of this theory affect the results of the research conducted?

4. Analyze the importance of quantitative and qualitative approaches in educational research. When should each approach be used, and what are its advantages and disadvantages?

5. How can educational research contribute to creating more inclusive and equitable education policies? Discuss examples of research that have successfully influenced education policy in a country or region.


Introduction to Digital Literacy


Pengantar penelitian pendidikan, jenis dan pendekatan penelitian


Penelitian dapat dikategorikan ke dalam tiga jenis utama, yaitu kualitatif, kuantitatif, dan pengembangan, masing-masing dengan pendekatan yang berbeda sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian. Penelitian kualitatif berfokus pada eksplorasi mendalam terhadap fenomena sosial atau budaya, menggunakan metode seperti wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen untuk memahami makna dan perspektif partisipan. Penelitian kuantitatif, sebaliknya, menggunakan pendekatan yang berbasis angka dan statistik untuk menguji hipotesis serta mengukur hubungan antar variabel, dengan teknik seperti survei, eksperimen, atau analisis data sekunder. Sementara itu, penelitian pengembangan bertujuan untuk menciptakan atau menyempurnakan produk, model, atau strategi baru yang dapat digunakan dalam berbagai bidang, seperti pendidikan, teknologi, atau industri. Ketiga jenis penelitian ini memiliki peran penting dalam memperkaya ilmu pengetahuan dan memberikan kontribusi nyata dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu.


Introduction of Visual Literature


Visual literature


Visual literature is a form of literacy that uses visual elements to convey a story or message, beyond just text or words. It combines images, graphics, designs, and other visual elements to create a more immersive and interactive narrative experience. Visual literature can be found in many forms, such as comics, picture books, graphic novels, or even art design and other visual presentations.

Some of the main characteristics of visual literature are:

  1. Use of Images : Images, illustrations, or graphics are essential in conveying a story or theme. They help the reader understand the context, mood, or feeling without relying entirely on the text.

  2. Interaction between Text and Visuals : In visual literature, text and images interact to create greater meaning than either alone. Text can clarify or enrich images, while images can provide context for words.

  3. Unconventional Structures : Visual literature often has a freer structure than traditional narrative texts. For example, a graphic novel might have interconnected panels to tell a story, or a picture book might have a sequence of images that follow the story.

  4. Aesthetics and Design : Design aspects are very important in visual literature. Color, shape, composition, and visual style all play a role in shaping the reader's experience.

  5. Diverse Media : Visual literature is not limited to books or comics. It can also include installation art, videos, digital applications, or even websites that combine text and visual elements.

Overall, visual literature is an innovative way to express ideas, stories, or concepts by leveraging the power of visuals together with words to create a richer, more multi-dimensional experience for the reader.




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