I am Studying at home

Apa yang sedang dilakukan saat ini, dalam bahasa inggris menggunakan bentuk present progressive Tense. Seperti dalam judul I am studying at home dengan rumus S+to be (are, is ,am) + verb + ing
She is Fasting full day( dia sedang berpuasa sehari penuh)
It is very simple 
Do this exercise bellow 
A. Translate in English
1. Mereka sedang berjalan ke masjid
2. Dono sedang bekerja di kantor
3. Dona sedang menunggu taksi
4. Pembangunan ini sedang berjalan 
5. Orang laki -laki itu sedang memakai sepatu
B. Tulis aktifitas kamu sekarang dan apa yang sedang di lakukan orang orang di sekitar anda
Jawab soal A dan B di kolom commentar



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nama : Sabrina Rizky Adinda
    Kelas: 2C/PGSD
    NPM: 5019093

    1. They are walking to the Mosque.
    2. Dono is working in the office.
    3. Dona is waiting for a Taxi.
    4. This develpment is ongoing.
    5. That man is wearing shoes.

    because I'm sick, all I do all day is lie down. My mom is making a birthday cake for my sister, and my dad is welding iron

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Name : ingge amanda
      Npm : 5019162
      Class: 2A
      Prodi : PGSD

      1. They are walking to mosque
      2. Dono is working in office
      3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
      4. The development is on going
      5. The man is wearing shoes

      B. Today I am doing the assignment the professor had given me.. My mother is cooking in the kitchen.. My little brother is watching television while my father is playing with his cell phone.

    3. Nama : Try kusuma
      Npm : 5019219
      Kelas : 2c/ pgsd
      1.They walk to the mosque
      2.Dono is working in the office
      3.dona is waiting for a taxi
      4.developments are ongoing
      5.the man is wearing shoes

      B. today l do homework because my parents went to my grandmother who was sick

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Nama:Revita Rahayu
    Kelas:2A pgsd

    1.They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    My activity is now doing work and playing laptop. I see people around me they are active in their work, that is a farmer. Farmers who are willing to overheat, get rained on for their daily meals, how great is a farmer who is not tireless at all.

    1. Nama : Riska Lingga Sari
      Kelas : ll C PGSD
      Npm : 5019109

      1.They are walking to the mosque
      2. Dono is working in an office
      3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
      4. This development is ongoing
      5. The man is wearing shoes

      My activity today is to help my mother warp temp, my sister and father watching TV together.

  6. Nama: vika andre tariyanti
    Prodi:pendidikan fisika
    Npm: 4119013

    1.they are walking to the mosque
    2.dono is working in an office
    3. Dono is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearning shoes

    Other people's activities are work

  7. Name : Tobing Susanto Sanjaya
    Class: 2A Fisika
    Npm :4119007


    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes


    Today I work on the assignment given by the lecturer with extra time, my younger brother is playing a game and my sister is cooking to break the fast

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Nama : sindy Suprobowati
    Kelas : 2A PGSD
    NPM : 5019003

    - A -
    1. They are walking to the mosque.
    2. Dono is working in the office.
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi.
    4. This development is ongoing.
    5. The man is wearing shoes.

    - B -
    My current activity is of course doing college work, just like the previous days. And activities carried out by people around me is doing their respective jobs.

  10. Nama : Mar'atin fadhillah
    Kelas: 2b PGSD
    Npm: 5019945

    They are walking to the Mosque.
    2. Dono is working in the office.
    3. Dona is waiting for a Taxi.
    4. This develpment is ongoing.
    5. That man is wearing shoes.

    I was watching the film waalaikumsalam paris and people around me were sleeping relaxed

  11. Nama : Wulan Sari
    Kelas:2 A PGSD
    Npm : 5019021

    1)They are walking to the mosque
    2)Dono is working in an office
    3) Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4) This development is ongoing
    5) the man is wearing shoes

    My activity ia now doing work and playing handphone .I see people around me they are active on their work ,that is a farmer .farmers who are willing to overheat ,get rined on for their dailly meals ,how great is a farmer who is not tireless ATT all .

  12. Name: Riza Merlinda
    NPM : 5019193

    1.They are walking to the mosque
    2.Dono is working in the office
    3.Dona is waiting a taxi
    4.The development is on going
    5.The Man is wearing a shoes

    right now, I'm working on an assignment. My parents are working outside the home. So I am at home alone.

  13. Name : Ramadhan FitriYani
    NPM : 4119011
    Class : II A Physics
    A. answer
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes
    B. answer
    Because I was sick and could not walk. I live with my uncle and aunt, my aunt is a teacher because covid 19 the government applies to work at home and school is on vacation. As usual my aunt takes care of household chores and my uncle works outside the city.

  14. Replies
    1. nama: ay yulianti
      Npm : 5019027
      Kls : 2A pgsd
      1. They are walking to the mosque
      2. Dono is working in the office
      3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
      4. This development is on going
      5. The man is wearing shoes

      B. Today i was relaxing while listening to music.while my mother and father were watching tv and my sister was taking a nap in the room.

  15. Name: Riza Merlinda
    NPM :5019193

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting a taxi
    4. The Development is on going
    5. The Man is wearing a shoes

    Right now, I'm working on an assignment. My parents are going outside the home. So I am at home alone.

  16. Name : Anggun Ari Aditia Utami
    Npm : 4119005
    Class : II A / Physic

    A. Translate In English
    1. They are walking to the mosque

    2. Dono is working in the office

    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi

    4. This development is ongoing

    5. The man is wearing shoes

    B. Write your activity now and what people around you are doing.

    My activity now is working on college assignments given by lecturers, my younger brother is also doing his schoolwork, then my mother and father are watching television in the family room.

  17. Nama : Agustira Lean Cahya Utami
    Npm : 5019006
    Prodi : 2A PGSD

    1. They Are Walking To The mosque
    2. Dono Is Working in an Office
    3. Dona Is Waiting For A Taxi.
    4. This Development Is Ongoing.
    5. The Man Is Wearing Shoes.

    I Usually Wake Up At Six in the morning every saturday and sunday. After making the bed, I wash My Clothes And sweep The Floor. My Mother Usually Wakes Up Afterme. She Goes To the market and Then cooks For Us. There is Nothing Special On our Saturday And Sunday. After cooking My mother Always Works And Ispend My Time To Watch Television.

  18. Nama: Avivah Oktaviana
    NPM: 5019165
    Kelas: 2B PGSD
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting a taxi
    4. The development is on going
    5. The man is wearing a shoes

    At this time, I was watching cartoons with my mother and my brother. While my father went to work at the health center.

  19. Nama : Wulandari
    Kelas: 2C/PGSD
    NPM : 5019216

    1. They are walking to the Mosque.
    2. Dono is working in the office.
    3. Dona is waiting for a Taxi.
    4. This develpment is ongoing.
    5. That man is wearing shoes.

    I am studying english and my family is watching tv.

  20. Name : Umi solehah
    Npm. : 4119015
    Class : 2A Fisika


    1.They are walking to the Mosque
    2.Dono is working in an office
    3.Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4.This development is ongoing
    5.The man is wearing shoes

    My activity today is in the morning i clean the house,do my work and don't forget i watch Korean dramas and i cook to break the fast in the afternoon

  21. Name : Mila Agustina
    NPM :4119003
    PRODI : Physics Education

    A. Translate in English!

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. Men who wear shoes

    B.Write your activities now and what people around you are doing!

    I am resting on the bed, my sister is watching a drama and my mother is sleeping.

  22. Nama ; Dwi Alia Permatasari
    Kelas ; 2c pgsd
    Npm ; 5019089

    A. 1.They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working the office
    3. Dona is waiting a taxi
    4. The development is on going
    5. The man is wearing a shoes
    B. every day I help mothers to correct the results of students' answers and summarize the material given by the lecturer. my sister worked in the hospital, while my father participated in searching for the answer answers to be repeated

  23. Nama : Rina Agustini
    Npm : 5019007
    Kelas: 2(a) PGSD

    1. They are wolking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes


    Today I have finished the assignment given by the lecturer to me. And I'm also reading a novel. My mother is cooking in the kitchen. My sister and sister are watching television and my father is sleeping ..

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Name: Reza Madani
    Npm: 5019091
    Class: 2c pgsd
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting the taxi
    4. Thw construction is ongoing
    5. That man is using the shoes

    B. I'm playing the game in my laptop, because i'm at my home, so the people around me are my family, my mom is ironing the clothes, my dad is watching the television, and my brother is sleeping.

  26. Nama : Niken Firdayanti
    Npm : 5019076
    Kelas : 2B PGSD

    1.They walk to the mosque
    2. Dono works in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    My activity is now watching India. My mother is cooking in the kitchen, while my father plays with his cellphone.

  27. Name: Mila Sartika
    Class: 2A PGSD
    Npm: 5019028

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    what I'm doing right now is doing college assignments. my brother is working on something with his laptop. while my mother and father are working.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Nama : Muhammad Riski
    Npm : 4119009
    Kelas: 2A Fisika

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. The building is under way
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    I am currently at work and my family is awaiting my return.

  30. Name :Elsa Revvina
    Npm. :4119017
    Class:2A fisika

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    what I do at home is to help my parents sell food to break their fast and do the assignments given by the lecturer

  31. Nama:faizal tri haryanto
    Npm :5019106
    Kelas:2C PGSD

    A. translate in anglish
    1.They are walking To the mosque
    2.Dono Is working in the office
    3.Dona is waiting For a taxi
    4.this development is on going
    5.The man is wearing shoes

    B. My activity is now, I'm working on the assignment given by the lecturer, and my mother is watching TV while my father is sleeping

  32. Nama : Reno Ali Afan
    NPM : 4119001
    Class: Fisika

    A. Translate In English
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    B. Write activity
    The activities I do now during quarantine are to spend more time at home gathering with family and doing activities together. Other activities that are carried out are jogging at home, and also doing push-ups and sit-ups during quarantine at home.
    And also what people do around are activities and work doing activities as usual, and there are also those who do online activities.

  33. Nama : Ellensya Alvaringga
    Kelas: 2B PGSD
    Npm: 5019040

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    Today I am working on an online college assignment, my mother is cooking in the kitchen and my younger brother is taking a nap because he is fasting.

  34. Nama : Elvi Qorik Ismiyatun
    NPM : 4119012
    Prodi : Pendidikan Fisika


    1.They are walking to the Mosque
    2.Dono is working in an office
    3.Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4.This development is ongoing
    5.The man is wearing shoes


    My activity now is doing work while playing cellphone and watching TV with my mother and father, while my sister continues to work because at work she does not take a day off.

  35. Nama : Reno Ali Afan
    NPM : 4119001
    Class: Fisika

    A. Translate In English
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    B. Write activity
    The activities I do now during quarantine are to spend more time at home gathering with family and doing activities together. Other activities that are carried out are jogging at home, and also doing push-ups and sit-ups during quarantine at home.
    And also what people do around are activities and work doing activities as usual, and there are also those who do online activities.

  36. Nama: Basiyatul amma
    Kelas:2b pgsd

    1.They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    My activity is now doing work and playing laptop.

  37. Name : Agustina
    Npm : 5019033
    Class/Prodi : 2A/PGSD

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes
    Today I do work from a lecturer, while my mother rubs clothes, my father goes to school for his picket schedule, my first brother goes to work to his office, and my second brother is playing online games.

  38. Nama : Novisa Maharani
    Npm : 5019094
    kelas: IIC
    Prodi : Pgsd
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. The building is under way
    5. The man is wearing shoes.

    all my activities are now done at home with online assignments online and occasionally accompany my mother to picket at her school

    Kelas : II.C PGSD
    Npm : 5019086

    A :
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    B :
    My activities are now i'm studying online, doing college assignments and playing cellphones.
    What the people around me are doing, my mom and sister are sleeping and father is working.

  40. Nama fajar isnaini
    Npm 5019022
    A. 1.They're walking to mosque.
    2. Dono is working in office.
    3. Dona is waiting for taxi .
    4. The development is running.
    5. The man who wears shoes.

    B. What I do is go through online college, doing some chores assigned by professors and doing chores like clean houses and cooking, people around me are working for money

  41. Nama : Yunita Arianti
    Npm. : 4119014
    Class: physics Education/II A


    1.They are walking to the mosque
    2.Dono is working in the office
    3.Dona is waiting a taxi
    4.The development is on going
    5.The Man is wearing a shoes


    Right now, I'm working on an assignment.and both parents are watching tv.

  42. Nama: Agustina
    Npm: 5019033
    Kelas / Prodi: 2A / PGSD

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes
    Today I work on an assignment from a lecturer, while my mother rubs clothes, my father goes to school for his picket schedule, my first brother goes to work to his office, and my second brother is playing online games.

  43. Nama : Shela Anggraeni
    Npm : 5019025
    Kelas : 2A/PGSD

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is studying to the office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is on going
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    My activity today is watching television and doing the work given by the lecturer. My mother was cooking in the kitchen, my sister was playing and i saw my neighbor drying rise in the yard.

  44. Nama : Santri Apsari
    Npm : 5029107
    kelas: 2c pgsd
    Prodi: pgsd


    1. they are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. the man is wearing shoes


    1.What I do now is that I am gathering wiht my family especially my mother and father and we are watching television

  45. Nama : Tia Ivanka
    Npm : 5019070
    Kelas : 2B PGSD
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes
    My activity is now working on college assignments while listening to a song, My mother is watching indian films on television,My father is sleeping And my sister is watching a ghost movie on iflix with her child.

  46. Nama : Mar'atus Sholeha
    Kelas/Prodi : 2B/PGSD
    Npm : 5019055

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting a taxi
    4. The development is on going
    5. The man is wearing a shoes

    At noon today, I was with my father and mother watching TV. Whereas my brother was playing at my aunt's house. And my activites are now I'm studying online at Inglish Language.

  47. Nama: Erik Agus Sumadinata
    Npm : 5019102
    Kelas: 2c PGSD

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes


    Today I am working on a new assignment today and after this task is done yes I am likely to do assignments from other subjects that are being done by people around me both my parents are watching tv and my younger brother is playing the game

  48. Nama : Tika silvia
    Kelas: 2C PGSD
    Npm : 5019114

    1. They are walking to the Mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    My activity today is tasting while doing online assignments.

  49. Nama : Niken Ayu Ariani
    Npm : 4119010
    Class : 2A physics

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    My activity now is working on college assignments given by lecturers, my sister is sleeping, then my mother is watching television.

  50. Nama:Windi Utari

    1.They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    My activity today is in the morning i clean the house,do my work and don't forget i watch Korean dramas and i cook to break the fast in the afternoon

  51. Nama:Tiara Puspita
    Kelas:2B (PGSD)

    1.They are walking to the mosque
    2.Dono is working in the office
    3.Dona is walting for a taxi
    4.This deveploment is ongoing
    5.The man is wearing shoes

    At home we can do anything, like my current activity, I'm watching a program on TV with my mother and father.While my brother is going to his friend's house.

  52. Nama:nadia salsabillah
    Kelas/prodi:2A pgsd

    1.Mereka berjalan ke masjid
    2.Dono sedang bekerja di kantor
    3.Dona sedang menunggu taksi
    4.Perkembangan ini sedang berlangsung
    5.Perkembangan ini sedang berlangsung 5 pria itu mengenakan sepatu

    Hari ini saya sedang mengkerjakan tugas yang di suruh dosen,sudah gawe tugas saya membantu mama saya masak untuk buka puasa. sudah masak saya langsung mandi sore

  53. Nama : Ranti Purwanti
    Npm : 5019096
    Kelas : 2C PGSD

    1.They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    My activity today is to help my mother cook, clean the house. My sister and sister are watching TV.

  54. Nama:Hesty widiyastuti
    Prodi:Pendidikan fisika

    1. They are walking to mosque
    2. Dono is working at the office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearning shoes

    I am now waiting for my sister,and l am gathering with my mother and father.Around me here,there are many chilidren who play bikes near my house,and there are mothers who are driying their rice.

  55. Nama: Hariani
    Kelas: 2A
    Npm: 5019009
    Prodi: PGSD

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    My activity today is playing mobile to check my online lectures while replying wa messages from the lecturer and the lecturer giving an assignment after that I did the assignment that the lecturer gave and finally the task was finished finally I played a laptop while listening to music after that I read wattpad and mother I called me to help my mother clean the chicken that was bought by my father after helping my mother cook to the room to continue reading the wattpad I read earlier.
    After that father, mother, sister, and I gathered in the living room while watching television and talking.

  56. Name : Tina Aprillia
    NPM : 5019068
    Class : 2B PGSD

    Answer :
    1. They are walking to the Mosque.
    2. Dono is working in the office.
    3. Dona is waiting for a Taxi.
    4. This development is ongoing.
    5. The man is wearing shoes.

    My daily activities are I woke up at 3 a.m. and I am ready to suhoor. I help my mother in the kitchen.
    At 6 a.m. I help my mother cleaning the house. I'm sweeping the floor. right now I'm doing the online assignment given by lectures. I am doing the task by handwriting. I am seeing the activities of people around me are gardening and selling vegetables. I am very impressing with them. Even though they are fasting but the are not tired of their work. They are exciting.
    At 5 p.m i took a bath, and i am gathering with my family. We are talking about our activities today.
    At 9 p.m, i am going to bed, i need to take some rest.

    Kelas:2A PGSD
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting a taxi
    4. The Development is on going
    5. The Man is wearing a shoes

    My activity is watching TV, listening to songs and looking for siknyal because in my village it is very difficult to get sionyal until I have to find siknyal far enough from my house and do other work assignments while my mother's activity is cooking my sister's activities was washing the motorbike then my mother made kuen and niece my nephew was playing in front of the house. that's my activity at the moment

  58. Nama : Helda ruspita
    Npm : 5019012
    Kelas : llA pgsd

    1. They are walking to de mosque
    2. Dono is working in a office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    My activities today are staying at home,watching TV with my family,and cooking with my mother in the afternoon.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Nama :Tika dewi lestari
    Npm :5019063
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes
    My current activity is doing work at home, while my parents are now resting because I'm tired of working.

  62. Name: Inka Putri Anjelina
    npm: 4119006
    Study program: Physics Education
    Semester :2
    1. They are walking to the Mosque.
    2. Dono is working in the office.
    3. Dona is waiting for a Taxi.
    4. This development is ongoing.
    5. That man is wearing shoes.

    I currently watch TV, lie down, play cellphones and fill my spare time with positive activities (kindness), right now it needs to be done, that is to pray so that the situation can proceed as usual,

  63. Nama :Tika dewi lestari
    Npm :5019063
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes
    My current activity is doing work at home, while my parents are now resting because I'm tired of working.


  64. Nama : Sinta Liana
    Npm: 5019147
    Kelas 2B PGSD

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2.Dono is working in the office
    3.Dona is walting for a taxi
    4.This deveploment is ongoing
    5.The man is wearing shoes

    I late afternoon watch like this watching  horror film that is ghost diary in my bedroom. while my mother was sleeping and my father was watching tv.

  65. Nama:Eci sarmila
    Kelas:2a pendidikan fisika

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working at the office
    3. Dona is waiting for taxi
    4. This development is running
    5. The man-therips are wearing

    What I do is go through online college, doing some chores assigned by professors and doing chores like clean houses and cooking, people around me are working for money

  66. Nama:Eci sarmila
    Kelas:2a pendidikan fisika

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working at the office
    3. Dona is waiting for taxi
    4. This development is running
    5. The man-therips are wearing

    What I do is go through online college, doing some chores assigned by professors and doing chores like clean houses and cooking, people around me are working for money

  67. Name : putri fatriciadewi
    Class : 2B PGSD
    NPM : 5019046

    1.they are walking to the mosque
    2.dono is working in the office
    3.dona is waiting for a taxi
    4.this development is ongoing
    5.the man is wearing shoes

    My activity is now working on a task, while my father just finished the Asr prayer and my mother cooked in the kitchen.

  68. Name :Anisa Nadila
    Class :2A PGSD
    NPM :5019011

    (A)1. They are walking to the Mosque.
    2. Dono is working in the office.
    3. Dona is waiting for a Taxi.
    4. This develpment is ongoing.
    5. That man is wearing shoes.

    (B) I am sitting on the chair and I doing this exercise, and my aunt is cooking Vegetables.

  69. Nama : Nisa Aulia Mahardika
    Kelas : Fisika
    Prodi : bahasa inggris

    A. Translate in English
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    B.I was watching TV, my younger brother was doing his school work, while my younger sister was fast asleep in the room

  70. Name : Putri Oktavia Ningsih
    Npm : 5019077
    Class : 2B PGSD

    1.they are walking to the mosque
    2.dono is working in the office
    3.dona is waiting for a taxi
    4.This development is ongoing
    5.The man is wearning shoes

    today I am making paper assignments and powerpoint number theory while my mother cooks food to break the fast.

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting a taxi
    4. The development is on going
    5. The man is wearing a shoes
    B .
    Right now I am playing cellphone, my mother is sleeping, my father is working, my brother is working making spj, my sister-in-law is cooking.

  72. Nama : Vena Renata
    NPM : 5019024
    Kelas: 2A PGSD

    1. They are walking to the Mosque.
    2. Dono is working in the office.
    3. Dona is waiting for a Taxi.
    4. This develpment is ongoing.
    5. That man is wearing shoes.

    Aktivity ia now cooking in the kitchen to break the fast, while people around me are drying rice.

  73. Nama :Vilia Santika
    NPM :5019207

    1)They are walking to the mosque
    2)Dono is warking in the office
    3)Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4)This develpment is ongoing
    5)That man is wearing shoes

    this afternoon I was cooking food to break the fast. and my mother is cleaning the living room. and my father is currently busy cutting grass in the yard

  74. Nama :kesi anggraini
    Kelas : 2 C PGSD
    NPM : 5019122

    1. They are woiking to the moque
    2. Dono is working on the office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development ia on going
    5. The man ia wearing shoes

    My activity ia now cleaning the house while helping my Mather lighten the housework. While di people around me are doing various activities. For example work,clean the house, study, and others

  75. Name : Via Indriana Putri
    Nmp : 5019020
    Class : II A
    Prodi : PGSD

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is on going
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    today I work on assignments given by my lecturer. my mother is cooking for breaking the fast food, my younger siblings are watching movies and playing the cars.

  76. Name : priti shinta
    kelas: 2b
    npm : 5019065

    1. They walk to the mosque
    2. Dono works in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. Development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes
    Right now I'm watching my little brother play and I play cellphone. my mother was sitting in front of the house. my sister was playing with ayuk and her children on the road. my father is working to repair a motorbike repaired.

  77. Name : priti shinta
    kelas: 2b
    npm : 5019065

    1. They walk to the mosque
    2. Dono works in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. Development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes
    Right now I'm watching my little brother play and I play cellphone. my mother was sitting in front of the house. my sister was playing with ayuk and her children on the road. my father is working to repair a motorbike repaired.

  78. nama : juniarti pasessha putri
    npm : 5019036
    kelas : 2.a PGSD

    1.They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    today i do the assignments given by tge lecturer becouse i do the assignments so my mother cooks herself in the kitchen

  79. Nama : Astria andani
    Npm : 5019054
    Kelas : 2B

    A. answer
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    B. answer
    what I do at home is to help my parents sell food to break their fast and do the assignments given by the lecturer

  80. Nama : selvitri yuliansi
    Kls : 2A. Pgsd
    Npm : 5019191

    1. They walk to the mosque
    2. Dono works in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. Development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes
    My sister's and my activities are now helping my mother cook in the kitchen, while my father plays with his cellphone.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Nama : Inayah Azzahra Elvian
    Npm : 5019117
    Kelas : 2C PGSD

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    Today I am doing errands, my mother is in the kitchen, my father is playing a cellphone, my brother is playing a game in a cellphone.

  83. Nama : Erlin erlina
    Npm : 5019199
    Kelas : 2a PGSD

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    B. today I helped my mother to clean up the house, after that I continued the task given by the lecturer to me, while listening to music, after finishing my assignment, after that I helped my mother cook in preparation for breaking the fast this afternoon.

  84. Nama : Putri Nabila Ayulia
    Npm : 5019037
    Kelas : 2A.PGSD

    1. They are walking to mosque
    2. Dono is working in office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. The development is on going
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    Today I am waiting for someone, he will come to my house at 12 noon later and bring my favorite food, for me and my family to break the fast today.

  85. Nama :wely pitria andesti
    Npm :5019050
    Kelas :2B pgsd

    1.They are walking to the mosque
    2.Dono is working in the office
    3.Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4.This development is ongoing
    5.The man is wearing shoes.

    B. I am cleaning the house

    my daily activities are cleaning the house and cooking to help my mother besides I also study at home, and my mother goes to sell at the market every day.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Nama : Cahya Madrani
    Kelas: IIA PGSD
    Npm : 5019008

    A. 1.They are walking to the mosque
    2.Dono is working in office
    3.Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4.The development is on going
    5.The man is wearing shoes

    B. Today I am doing the assignment the professor had given me. My mother is cooking in the kitchen. my sister and father watching TV together.

  88. Nama: Elvina Junianti
    NPM: 5019035
    Kelas: II.A PGSD

    A. Translate in English
    1. Mereka sedang berjalan ke masjid: They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dona sedang bekerja di kantor: Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona sedang menunggu taksi: Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. Pembangunan ini sedang berjalan: This development is ongoing
    5. Orang laki-laki itu sedang memakai sepatu: Men who wear shoes

    B. Write your current activities and what people around you are doing.
    My activities are currently at home with my family as usual in the month of Ramadan. I wake up every day at 3 to serve food, after that my family and I watch the story of the prophet while waiting for the dawn call to prayer. after the dawn prayer in congregation, my mother and I cleaned the house and my father and younger brother opened a shop. in the morning I went to college online while looking after the shop, after that the midday prayer was done by myself because there was a lot of work, after that I cooked food to break the fast, in the afternoon I showered and prepared to pray asar. while waiting for iftar I went out for a walk and after I was ready to serve food to break the fast. after that evening prayers in congregation, after that we just eat together, after eating we prepare for evening prayers and tarawih together. There are so many differences in Ramadan this year, usually in the month of Ramadan where my area is very crowded people who go out for a walk while waiting to break their fast and many who sell takjil and people who hunt takjil. But now because there is a ban from the government to stay at home because of a virus. So this year's Ramadhan is rather quiet and not very enthusiastic. I hope all of this will get better soon

  89. Nama : Nadya Yulianti Putri
    Kelas : 2 B (PGSD)
    Npm : 5019058

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting a taxi
    4. The development is on going
    5. The man is wearing a shoes

    My activity is now working on a task, while my father has just finished evening prayers, while my mother and sister are watching TV

  90. Nama : Dwi Oktia Putri
    NPM : 5019078
    Kelas : 2B (PGSD)

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    My current activity is of course doing campus work, like the previous days. my mother was filling out report cards, my sister watched television while my father read the newspaper.

  91. Nama:Melia Sinta
    Npm :5019217
    Kelas:II B/PGSD

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    my activity now during fasting is getting up early for the sahab makab, after that doing the morning prayer with my mother, then I will immediately clean the house so that I can rest and attend online lectures, in the afternoon my mother and I will be busy with cooking activities to break the fast , because there is an outbreak of covid-19 virus worship is done at home without prayers.

  92. Nama : Dinda Dwi Hafsari
    Kelas : 2b (pgsd)
    Npm : 5019188

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting a taxi
    4. The development is on going
    5. The man is wearing a shoes

    My activity is now playing on cell phones, while my family watches some TV while some still eat.

  93. Nama :Endah meiyeni
    Npm. :5019042
    Kelas :2B pgsd

    1. They are walking to the Mosque.
    2. Dono is working in the office.
    3. Dona is waiting for a Taxi.
    4. This develpment is ongoing.
    5. That man is wearing shoes.

    My activity today is working on an assignment and watching movies. My mother's activity was cooking and preparing food for iftar and I also helped her.

    1. Name : Jelma Urrahma
      NPM : 5019083
      Class : 11 C PGSD

      A.translate in english
      1. they are walking to the mosque.
      2. Dono is working in the office.
      3. Dona is waiting for a taxi.
      4. This development is ongoing.
      5. The man is wearing shoes.

      B.activities being carried out
      the activity that is usually done or is being done is to help the mother to cook the cake every day. not only that everyone who is at home also does the same thing and we also work together to achieve perfect results.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Name: Wiji Nur Azzahrah
    Npm : 5019001
    Class : 2A(PGSD)

    1.They are walking to the mosque.
    2.Dono is working in an office.
    3.Dona is waiting for a taxi.
    4.This development is on going.
    5.the man is wearing shoes.
    Tonight i was working the assignment that were very pilling up after iftar with my family,at home I saw,my mother and sister are watching television,while my little brother and father are playing online games together.

  95. Name : Fajar Mujahidin
    Npm : 5019204
    Class : 2A (PGSD)

    1. They are walking to the Mosque.
    2. Dono is working in the office.
    3. Dona is waiting for a Taxi.
    4. This develpment is ongoing.
    5. That man is wearing shoes.

    My activities today are helping with my parents' work, my mother is cooking for iftar , my brother playing, and my father's working

  96. Nama : Iis junayah
    Kelas : 2A PGSD
    NPM : 5019167
    A. Translate
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working inthe office
    3. Dona is waiting For a tadi
    4. This development is on going
    5. The man is wearing shoes
    B. My activities are usually everyday cleaning the house, if there are courses I follow online and if there is a task I do, the rest I more often play mobile phones and read stories while lying down while waiting for breaking the fast

  97. Nama = Chici Febriyanto
    Npm = 5019103
    Kelas = 2c PGSD

    1. They are walking to the Mosque.
    2. Dono is working in the office.
    3. Dona is waiting for a Taxi.
    4. This develpment is ongoing.
    5. That man is wearing shoes.

    the activity that I am doing right now is that I am sitting relaxed with my younger brother while playing a cellphone while my mother and father are watching television.

  98. Nama : Prandini Dianita Riski
    Npm : 5019155
    Kelas :2C PGSD

    1. They are walking to the mosque.
    2. Dono is working in the office.
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi.
    4. The development is on going.
    5. The man is wearing shoes.

    the activities that I do now are doing work, as usual I help parents, my family now there are watching tv and some are already sleeping

  99. Nama:umi marcely
    Npm :5019031
    Kls :2A PGSD

    A)1. They are walking to mosque
    2. Dono is working in office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. The development is on going
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    B) Now I am gathering and telling
    stories with my sister and my

  100. Nama : siti zubaedah
    Npm : 5019041
    Kelas: 2.b pgsd

    1. Dad is at the office
    2. mother is preparing food
    3. sister is doing homework
    4. alya is learning english
    5. mom is waiting for an online taxi
    at the moment I am only at home just helping my mother to do housework and helping my sister to study.

  101. Nama :siti zubaedah
    Npm :5019041
    Kelas:2b pgsd

    1.They are walking to the mosque
    2.Dono is working in the office
    3.Dona is waiting a taxi
    4.The development is on going
    5.The Man is wearing a shoes

    at the moment I am only at home just helping my mother to do housework and helping my sister to study .

  102. Nama:Desi Ratnasari
    Nmp :5019018
    Kelas:2A PGSD

    1.they are walking to the mosque
    2.Dono is working in the office
    3.Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4.the development is on going
    5.the man is wearing shoes

    My activity ia now doing work and playing handpon, my family now there are watching TV and some are already sleeping.

  103. Nama:Desi Ratnasari
    Nmp :5019018
    Kelas:2A PGSD

    1.they are walking to the mosque
    2.Dono is working in the office
    3.Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4.the development is on going
    5.the man is wearing shoes

    My activity ia now doing work and playing handpon, my family now there are watching TV and some are already sleeping.

  104. A
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working at the affice
    3. Dona is waiting for a tadi
    4. This development ia on young
    5. The man is warung shoes

    The activity that I am doing today is doing the course assignments given by the lecture, while my sister ia doing the work of her teacher and my parents they are watching televisi on.

  105. Nama: Nadia Tias Nita
    Npm : 5019075
    Kelas : 2B PGSD

    1.they are walking to the mosque
    2.Dono is working at the office
    3. Dona is waiting for a tadi
    4. This development is on young
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    The activity that I am doing today is doing the course assignments given by the lecture, while my sister is doing the work of her teacher and my parents they are watching televison.

  106. Nama:Risna anggraini
    Kelas:2A (pgsd)

    1.They walked to the mosque
    2.Dono works at the office
    3.Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4.This development is on going
    5.The man is wearing shoes

    To night i was lying in my room while playing my cellphone and doing english assignments.my mother is in the kitchen she is doing the dishes. My dad and sister are playing their cellphones respectively.

  107. Nama: Sandi Dwi Saputra
    NIM: 5019174
    Kelas: 2B PGSD

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is on going
    5. The man is wearing shoes
    I was doing work at home, my mother was cooking in the kitchen, my sister was studying sewing at home and my father was watching TV.

  108. Nama : Siti Masitoh Marpaung
    NMP : 5019212
    Class: 2A PGSD

    1. They are walking to mosque
    2. Dono is warking in office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. The development is on going
    5. The man is wearing shoes

    Today I am writing, doing assignments, and reading novs. And my uncle is reading the al-Quran. My brother is doing his work. My nieces is watching television and eating snacks.

  109. Nama : sri vera oktaviani
    Npm : 5019112
    Kelas : 2cpgsd
    1. They are walking to the mousque
    2. Dono is working at office(in the office)
    3. Dona is waiting taxi
    4. Development is walking
    5. The man is using shoes
    My activities are now at home. Apart from at home, I do my hobby work and help my mother clean the house, the activities of people around me, so far they are still busy outside because there are many around me.

  110. Name: Linda astika
    NPM :5019120

    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting a taxi
    4. The Development is on going
    5. The Man is wearing a shoes

    Right now, I'm working on an assignment. My parents are going outside the home. So I am at home alone.

  111. Nama: Kanasya putri Anjani(5019002)
    Kelas: 2A
    Prodi: PGSD

    1.they are walking to the mosque
    2.Dono is working in the office
    3.Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4.This develpment is ongoing
    5.That man is wearing shoes

    Right now I'am helping mom cook in the kitchen. And sister are watching, waiting to break their fast.

  112. Nama: Kanasya putri Anjani(5019002)
    Kelas: 2A
    Prodi: PGSD

    1.they are walking to the mosque
    2.Dono is working in the office
    3.Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4.This develpment is ongoing
    5.That man is wearing shoes

    Right now I'am helping mom cook in the kitchen. And sister are watching, waiting to break their fast.

  113. Nama:Novian Hadi
    Kelas:2B PGSD 
    1. They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in the office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. The Development is on ongoing
    5. The Man is wearing a shoes

    My activities are watching TV, listening to songs and doing other work assignments while my mother's activities are cooking my sister's activities are washing motorbikes then my mother making cakes and my niece playing in front of the house. that's my current activity

  114. Nama : Ita Nopilia
    Npm : 5019100
    Prodi/kelas : Pgsd/2c
    1. They are walking to the Mosque.
    2. Dono is working in the office.
    3. Dona is waiting for a Taxi.
    4. This develpment is ongoing.
    5. That man is wearing shoes.


    I am studying. and my mother is sleeping

  115. Name : putri septia
    Class: 2C PGSD
    Npm : 5019084

    1.) they are walking to the mosque
    2.) Dono is working in office
    3.) Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4.) the development is on going
    5.) the man is wearning shoes.

    My activities today are in the bedroom, cleaning up the house and helping my mother cook in the kitchen to break the fast later.

  116. Name: Eliza rana pesi
    Npm: 5019205
    Class: 2C PGSD
    1.They are walking to the mosque
    2. Dono is working in an office
    3. Dona is waiting for a taxi
    4. This development is ongoing
    5. The man is wearing shoes
    every day after I wake up I clean the house and help my mother and at home I also take care of my niece. when evening comes we cook with mom to break the fast



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